The birth of the star

  • Goal setting

    Every X-Member is committed to their own set of goals. They are encouraged to share with their X-Managers actively; their plan of action, progress, and achievements which count towards their goals.

  • Scout and own a piece of your future star

    • When an X-Manager scouts a member with X-Coins, they will receive a particular player card that marks their support and grants them access to exclusive features and benefits associated with that X-Member. The card level will depend on the number of X-Coins to scout the X-Member. Alternatively, X-Managers can upgrade the card level with XP, which accumulates through active engagement in the community. (i.e., liking, voting, and commenting on the X-Feed). When their supporting X-Member achieves the position of Super-X, a higher card level will boost the rewards for the card-holding X-Manager.

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